Monday, July 18, 2005

Back in Lock-purr-t!


Hippo here, re-purr-ting on my trip back to the apartment that I rule in Lockport, NY. I haven't updated in quite some time, and I am very sorry for the omission, but I've been busy napping and purring, and rolling around on the new rug that Baxter and Katie bought for me. I had a purr-fect time staying at Baxter's Dad's appartment in Rosemount, and I absolutely adore the staircase that he has. I became a master at running up and down, up and down, and turning corners right into the kitchen to slide right up to my food dish. I spent one evening up in Saint Paul with Katie's debaters, and while I had a meow-riffic time meeting Natalie and company, I think there were too many kids for my liking. I am more of a two person cat.

Speaking of which, Katie is out of town. This depresses me, since she is not there to lay on top of while she sleeps, and Baxter is NOT up to snuff when it comes to brushing. However, I thought that people would like to see how awesome my naps were on the way home. I got a little antsy on the second day of driving, so I found the purr-fect place to nap!

Cutest Kitty in the Universe signing off,