Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hippo Loves the Yoga!

IMG_0616, originally uploaded by katekauf.

I have a new hobby that I wanted everyone to know about - Yoga! Whenever Katie gets her mat set up to do yoga with the TV, I like to do some stretches as well.

In other news, I am thinking about composing a Christmas letter to send along with the obvious photo of my purr-fect kitty self. I haven't quite decided yet, but I really do believe that the world would be interesting in reading a recap of the last year's adventures of the Hippo Bear.

More Soon!
Purrs and Smooches,

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So while this pretty kitty hesitates to update because it will obscure my purr-ific halloween photos, I had a couple of incredible pictures taken in the past couple of days that I just had to show.

First, I know that this is not the greatest picture of me ever, but it is a good indicates my new favorite place to sit - and to type. Though I still enjoy the coffee table and the kitchen floor, they are not nearly as exciting as running as fast as I can, jumping onto the couch and nestling as close as I can to both Katie and the laptop. It helps me to type, and whoa am I cute.

This is my new favorite photo of myself. I look so a-purr-able!

For some reason I have also decided to take naps next to my food dish. I am the only one who doesn't seem to find this hilarious, as Katie and Baxter take turns coming in and giggling at me. I guess I just had so much kitty chow that I needed a nap.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I know that this post is late, but being a persian cat is so busy. I spent the weekend decompressing while Katie and Baxter were out of town, just chilling and watching TV. I thought about throwing a major party with the kitties in the basement apartment, but in the end decided that this pretty kitty's mental well being was more important than a keg of cream. Maybe I'm growing up?

I did wear my costume on Monday, but since no one was around to see it, it got rather old fast. Luckily, Katie and Baxter got home in the evening and we were able to spend a couple of hours purring and watching TV, cuddling up with kitty chow and a blanket.

I went to the vet yesterday, and I have gained half a pound! I hope that I am not getting fat, but my purr-cious self is only 7 pounds, so I figure I am maintaining my petite figure cat-tastically. And how can one resist the delectable taste of cat chow?

Anyways, I know the real reason that my loyal readers tune in is to see me in my costume, so I will not delay the suspense any longer.

Purrs and Smooches,

This is my best Halloween photo. Aren't I a cat-rageous dragon? The hat was especially fun to wear.

A close up of the hat. This picture is not my most flattering, but my cat-mittment to my dear readers shines through, as I am purr-fectly devoted to making sure you can see my lovely costume.

This is me and Katie hugging in my costume. I would list it as one of my favorites were her arm not in the way of my loveliness. But aren't I adorable?

And finally, my least flattering photo, but hilarious all the same. I did not like the way that I couldn't really move my legs while im-cat-onating a dragon. I really felt like I became the dragon, but it was hard work during the transformation!