Monday, December 18, 2006

Simply, Having, A Hippo-ful Christmas Time


I know most people say that the Holidays are a stressful time because they cost so much money. Buying gifts and all. Well, being a cat has its advantages. First, you rarely have to buy gifts, but giving a gift certificate to Outback Steakhouse is a great small joy in this kitten’s routine of purring, meowing and relaxing with a good bit of nip. Second, and I would imagine that most of you do not know this, when you are this cute, people give you tips for simply sitting on a blanket. Hippo is all about the benjamins.

Purrs and Smooches,


Sunday, December 17, 2006

This Hippo Went On A Bender

Last night was rough around these parts. Katie and Baxter stayed up late, so I stayed up late, stumbling around, eating too much chow, and watching too much meow-ball. By this morning, I was passed out in the bed upstairs, unable to rouse myself even as Baxter and Katie had been up and dressed for hours. It's been a full day of napping and cat hangover, but at least I get to sleep whenever I like. I know I tried to get a job earlier, but this pretty kitty is really more suited to the leisurely life.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Oh, Hippo Tree, Oh, Hippo Tree, How Lovely Are Your Meow Cats

The Christmas season is coming into focus here at the Hippo Ranch. I like the decorations, and generally, everyone is just a little nicer around Christmas-time. Kittens like to share their chow, and it makes it just a little more pleasant to be a kitten. Don't you wish that every day was Christmas?


Friday, December 15, 2006

Silent Hippos, Holy Hippos

I don't mean to be sacreligious, but it has been a week of holiness for the Hippopotameow. Meows are in abundance, purrs are all around, and I just super love people. Es-purr-cially MY people, who have been feeding me treats and giving me couches aplenty to lay about.

Really, there's nothing to meow-plain about, and that's how I like it.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hippos Roasting on an Open Fire. . .

. . . Even if Jack Frost is NOT nipping at my nose.

It's still not snowing around here, a fact which causes constant consternation amongst both me and Baxter, though Katie's pretty all right with it, as she hasn't been feeling particularly good and doesn't want disastrous weather to make it any worse. However, I'm still in the Christmas spirit, because that's what this pretty kitty does. And wouldn't your Christmas be better if there was a pretty Hippo to cheer you up?


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Supposed to Be Beginning to Look Alot Like Hippo


No one appreciates a good bit of acting from the Hippo bear these days. Since my shirt clearly indicates that I am Santa's Little Helper, I was attempting to place presents under the tree, or at the very least scope it out so that Santa can pile the dolls, racecars, and catnip mousies, in the most efficient manner possible. But alas, all my efforts were interpreted as simply a desire to eat the sparkly silver trappings offered by this particular tree.

In other news, the lack of snow outside is affecting even me, and I hail from the year-round balmy-ness that was Persia. It is hard to "Meowing Like a Winter Hippo-cat" when it is 50 degrees out. When Christmas comes my fur is supposed to match the landscape of fluffy whiteness. At least Hippo is here to remind you of what fluffy winter is supposed to be like.

Purrs and Smooches,


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hippo Outtakes, Continued

This would be my favorite shot if it wasn't so blurry. As a pretty but shy Hippo bear, I did spend much time avoiding the pictures, and that is why some of the shots did not turn out as well as I might have hoped. But I am so beautiful all the time, I suppose it just naturally comes out on film, even if I am avoiding the camera.

Has everyone starting singing carols? My favorite, so far, is:

Here Comes Hippo Claus
Here Comes Hippo Claus
Right Down Hippo Claus Lane

Katie and Baxter and all my people
Pullin' on the purrs
Cats are meowin', kittens purrin'
All is meowy and bright
Hang your stockings and say your prayers
'Cause Hippo Claus comes tonight!


Monday, December 11, 2006

Hippo Outtakes, Take 2

My end photo actually is similar to this one, but this one went drastically awry. I don't know if it's my facial expression or what, but somehow it just didn't turn out right.
Who knew that this svelte cat could look chubby with the wrong shirt?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hippo Cards: Outtakes

Today Katie and Baxter subjected this pretty kitty to the horrifying embarrassment of taking Christmas photos. Now, I like sending out pictures of my purr-tiful face to everyone I know as much as the next cat, but I must admit that the actual taking of the photos is not my favorite part. But since I know that my blog audience is made up of people who like to see me suffer, I thought I would present some of the most hilarious of my photos as a funny reel. Don't ever meow that I didn't give you anything.
I really wanted to eat the nativity. Perhaps that's what made one of my eyes stay shut.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

All I want for Christmas is My Hippo-Meow


This Hippo is considering having a Christmas Party; would anyone like to come? This is my pretty party dress, and I would wear it to the party. I also appreciate gifts and cards, even though I am not looking forward to the ridiculousness that accompanies shooting my christmas Photo. But at least my loyal readers have that to look forward to.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Have Yourself a Merry Little Hippo

Even though it is cold outside, this Hippo-bear has been having a great time laying on the couch and sitting on a blanket with Katie and Baxter. The white blanket and white fur is especially flattering, and I would love it if more people could come visit. It's also awesome because it gives me a chance to marvel at the similarities between snow and shets and blankets and hippos. Oh, and did I mention my fleas are going away?


Thursday, December 07, 2006

I Am a Hippo Caught Between Two Worlds


I am sitting mostly by the window tonight, watching the snow fall down, like soft strands of my fluffy white fur. I suppose the snow is often quite like my fur, as it covers everything and makes it somehow all seem happy and new, touched by the grace of something which may no longer be present but rings of happiness and comfort.

But in general I have moved towards sitting here, on the threshold between the kitchen and the living room and, more importantly, between cool and refreshing and warm and relaxing. I am such a kozy kitten (one who absolutely adores purr-poseful quaint misspellings), you see, that I have diverse and fascinating ways of being comfy. I contain multiples. I love the cool smooth shinyness of the kitchen floor, both for slide-based scampering and for the rush as it lightly chills my fur. At the same time, keeping my tummy pressed against the carpet makes me meow with contentment. Especially when the weather outside turns frighful, we all need a Hippo, who is, of course, so delightful.

Thankfully, Katie and Baxter have taught me a debate trick that solves this dilemma: the PURRmutation!!!

Purrs and Smooches,


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Deck the Halls with Meowing Hippos!


Katie and Baxter went to the grocery store today and got all sorts of goodies for the making of Christmas treats. As a purr-tiful persian kitten, I tend to keep myself to the persual and consumption of kitten chow, but as of recently, I have switched food in order to facilitate the emergence of my beautiful smile, which the vet says is being hidden by tartar. So far it is quite scrumptious, and so I can understand why it is that Baxter and Katie would want to make special foodstuffs for the holidays.

But what I can't understand is why they would do this by going to the grocery store rather than laying on the couch and taking a nap. They really should look into getting someone to fetch their food for them, like I have done.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bad Hippo Santa

This is not my official Christmas photograph, but i thought that my viewers would get a kick out of the first of the outtakes, because I am an awesome Grumpy Santa Kitten. I think that I shall patent this phrase, though I can't really imagine another kitten in all the land who could play the role of the awesome Grumpy Santa Kitten better than moi. You cannot see the phrase "Santa's Little Helper" on the back, but let me assure you, there will be many a photo in the upcoming weeks to get you in the mood for the meow-riffic season.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I am a Purring Rock Star!

Did I mention that this beautiful Persian kitten was the Catster Cat of the Day last Thursday? They don’t keep a record of them, so I can’t prove it, but if you want to see the email, I might be able to be purr-vinced to forward it to you. As a result of my awesome cuteness, many people have left me treats and given me rosettes and visited this blog, so hello, new people! Strike one for smooshy faced kitties everywhere!

How Can Anyone Resist this A-Purr-Able Face?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nothing Says Winter For Kitties Like Blankets and Shopping


This winter has just been exhausting. Even though I haven't left the house except to go the vet that one time, between the shopping and napping, I just haven't had much time to myself. I mean, I've watched some TV, and the blankets are always nice, but sometimes a kitty just needs to be, you know what I mean?

Luckily, it's Christmas season, so I've got a little time to catch up, take a snooze, and shop online for presents for all my kitty pals in the townhouse complex.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Riding in Cars With Hippos

Katie and I went to the vet on Wednesday. I did not appreciate such things, as I am generally a kitten who does not like to leave the house. I wouldn't say that I'm agoraphobic purr se, but I have totally enjoyed the ways in which I have not had to leave the house since moving to Purr-chester this July. I tried to make my concerns known in the car on the way there, and my meows were met with much fawning. As usual, the vet was incredibly nice to me (the public loves me!) and hopefully the fleas that seem to have infested my beautiful fur will be solved soon by the medicine they gave me.

Plus, Katie made me ride in my carrier (even though I had my favorite purple blanket, so it wasn't all that bad) and we all know I prefer to lay on the console and glance out at the world around me.

Purrs and Smooches,

Friday, December 01, 2006



I caved and decided that if Katie and my auntie Karly could do this Holidailies thing, the Hippo-bear could too. Plus, it can be my Christmas Present to all my adoring fans out there. The thoughts I conjure for the month will probably not be as long as my normal Monday entries, but I promise there will be photographs, and that I will try to delve deep into my kitty subconscious to find many anecdotes and personal facts that you might have missed between the sumptuous white fur and cute button nose.

But for today, a little game of hide and seek; it is one of my favorites. Baxter tells me that the Rochester debaters are really into Connect 4, but I consider that beneath my tiger-like intelligence. Hiding and then pouncing is a much more useful skill.


Purrs and Smooches,
