Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Happy Hippo New Year!

Sorry for the lack of kitty-updating that has taken place the past few meows - I had to take a nap break after all of the ridiculous effort put into my 12 days of Hippo-Mas. I hope you all enjoyed the picture purring party!

Katie and Baxter got home yesterday afternoon, and although I was quite glad to see them and cuddle, I was not pleased at all that they had decided to leave me. Plus, Katie tried to take all of my hair out and brush me a billion times, so that was not as fun as it could have been. I did get a few good purr in, though.

Today, I thought that I would share my last photo of 2005. Aren't I adorable?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The TWELFTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone sing along!

On the twelfth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Twelve Hippos Cuddling,

Eleven Villages Terrorized,

Ten Cats a-Pouncing,

Nine Kitties Kissing,

Eight Purrs a-Meowing,

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The ELEVENTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!!!!!

On the eleventh day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Eleven Villages Terrorized,

Ten Cats a-Pouncing,

Nine Kitties Kissing,

Eight Purrs a-Meowing,

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Monday, January 02, 2006

The TENTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!!!!

On the tenth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Ten Cats a-Pouncing,

Nine Kitties Kissing,

Eight Purrs a-Meowing,

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The NINTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!!!

On the ninth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Nine Kitties Kissing,

Eight Purrs a-Meowing,

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

(Happy New Year!)