Sunday, November 06, 2005

So while this pretty kitty hesitates to update because it will obscure my purr-ific halloween photos, I had a couple of incredible pictures taken in the past couple of days that I just had to show.

First, I know that this is not the greatest picture of me ever, but it is a good indicates my new favorite place to sit - and to type. Though I still enjoy the coffee table and the kitchen floor, they are not nearly as exciting as running as fast as I can, jumping onto the couch and nestling as close as I can to both Katie and the laptop. It helps me to type, and whoa am I cute.

This is my new favorite photo of myself. I look so a-purr-able!

For some reason I have also decided to take naps next to my food dish. I am the only one who doesn't seem to find this hilarious, as Katie and Baxter take turns coming in and giggling at me. I guess I just had so much kitty chow that I needed a nap.

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