Monday, June 13, 2005

Disgruntled Hippo

Katie and Baxter decided that today would be a good day to give me a bath. Needless to say, I disagreed heartily, but was outvoted. I got through it with minimal dis-purr-bance by humming my cover of "Meow Meow Purr" repeatedly. I thought everyone would like to see photos of my beautiful self, even though it has been subjected to de-fur-rifying because I am all wet.

In other news, Katie and Baxter have been cleaning the apartment incredibly throroughly, which I have enjoyed meow-tastically. I love having clean spaces upon which to jump and dive, and Baxter plays a mean game of hide and seek. My favorite part was changing the sheets on the bed, since I hid under each of the layers as it was put on and then jumped around at various items being batted above the sheets. Baxter is so cunning! Anyways, since the photos I posted above were not my most flattering shots, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the world of sheet hide and seek.

and finally, me and Baxter kissing



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