Saturday, December 31, 2005

The EIGHTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!!

On the eighth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Eight Purrs a-Meowing,

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Friday, December 30, 2005

The SEVENTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!!

On the seventh day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Seven Hippos Hiding,

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The SIXTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!!

On the sixth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Six Cats Attacking,

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The FIFTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!!

On the fifth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Five Smoochy Hippos!

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The FOURTH Day of Hippo-Mas!!!!

On the fourth day of Hippo-mas, my meow cat purred to me:

Four Lovely Looks,

Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Monday, December 26, 2005

The THIRD Day of Hippo-Mas!!!

On the Third Day of Hippo-Mas, my meow cat purred to me,
Three Costumes,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The SECOND Day of Hippo-Mas!!

On the Second Day of Hippo-Mas, my meow cat purred to me,

Two Sleeping Cats,

And a Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The FIRST Day of Hippo-Mas!

So I have heard that it is customary in humyn circles to begin the 12 days of Christmas sometime something like 12 days before Christmas day, but I believe that Hippo-mas should start on Christmas eve and travel 12 days forward, in order to extend the holiday ex-purr-aganza for all of my kitty fans. Also, this means that I will be having one post per day for at least the next 12 days, so my loyal fans should be sure to check back daily.

Time to sing along!!!!!

On the first day of Hippo-mas my meow cat purred to me:

A Very Grumpy Hippopotameow!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Games Hippos Play

I am purr-fectly sorry that I have not been updating the kitty blog as of late - I know that I am totally behind. I know that it is not good kitty manners to wait so long, since my audience waits with baited kitty-chow breath for all of my newest adventures. My only excuse is that Katie and Baxter have been out of town at debate tournaments and though I would normally let you in on all my cat-ploits via the desktop computer, it hasn't been working. Which is worse for me than you, since instead of cruising for pals on Catster, I had to make do with Animal Planet and the occasional nap.

I am a wee bit cranky at the moment, because I just had a bath. I understand its necessity, and I am purr-tastically excited about the Christmas pictures that are soon to follow - which I swear I will post ASAP, and will accompany my soon to be annual Hippo Christmas letter. The letter will stay on my blog for my legions of fans to visit, but I will mail cards so you can have a reminder all year of just how purr-ociously cute this Hippo is.

But for tonight, a game! Now that we have finally gotten the house together (and I obviously use the royal kitty we, since I would never deign to actually clean, and the vacuum gives me a little kitty scare) and cleaned, I have begun to play hide and seek.

To start, an easy one. If you cannot find me, you need remedial instruction in Hippo Hide and Seek.

Slightly harder, but pretty easy. Beautiful Hippo alert!

Can you see me? Where is Hippo?

Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Hippo-tine. You are lost and gone forever, oh my darling Hippo-tine. Can you find me?

Purrs and Smooches,
Hippo Bear