Saturday, February 18, 2006

Happy Hippo Valentine's Day!

Meow Meow Purr,

This Hippopotameow is having a lovely time in her newly-clean apartment! I have been an incredibly helpful kitty, helping to make the bed, keeping my area clean, and generally being as adorable as possible (I know, it's a sacrifice we cute ones have to make to the world). However, I have gained two odd habits that I am thinking of working on but am hoping will not require a visit to el vetrinarian.

1. I am very into licking things these days. Sometimes this means my lovely kitten bottom, sometimes my arms, and sometimes the wall or the back of a bookshelf. Katie and Baxter are not sure if this is a good thing, but I like to assure them that I am purr-fectly in control of my pretty kitty tongue and would never harm anything. I have, however, taken off quite a bit of my lovely fur, which concerns me. Maybe I will slow down with the licking and just take more naps.

2. I also really like the refrigerator. Part of this is because I like to lick the back wall, which Baxter informed me last night that small but precious kitties should not be doing, and part is because I like the simultaneous feeling of hot and cold on my fur (this is why I just
love to lay on the window in Baxter and Katie's bedroom, because I can feel the cool air of the window on one side and the heater on the other), and a third part is because I love to squeeze myself into the smallest space possible, and the refrigerator presents so many options! Since I haven't been spending as much time in the fridge since Baxter blocked it off a few weeks ago, I like to dash into the fridge whenever someone opens it, which is not very much recently considering the amount of takeout that has been consumed in this household as of late (which I do not mind, but I wish there was more Kitty Yoga to do. I miss Kitty Yoga.).

Anyways, I leave you with one vintage Hippo shot, because sometimes I just cannot handle my own beauty and inventiveness.

PS. I am sorry I did not actually discuss Valentine's Day in this post. Baxter and Katie left me to go on some obviously boring adventure (how could it be interesting? I was not there!) and I spent the day pondering the intersection between purchases and capitalism. I will post those thoughts soon, but I need to sort out the intersection between my desire for fuzzy cat toys and my utter distate for the exploitation of the worker.

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