Thursday, February 10, 2005


So this morning, I discovered what Katie and Baxter feared- how much fun it is to play with the canopy on their bed! See, they put it up awhile ago, but I never really investigated how much fun I could have sitting in the pools of fabric on the floor, batting it around, and generally trying to make the shiny stuff move. I know that Katie especially is worried that I will hurt it, but I am sure that my playing will do no harm.

On the bad news front, I had to have a bath yesterday. It was awful and they came at me with something loud and blowing air at me which I was having none of, so it took my beautiful fur FOREVER to dry. At least I am fluffy now and slightly less itchy, but I am not sure it was worth it.

Time to bat the canopy again!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS! this makes me think that Bard's puppets should start their own journal.