Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Meowentine's Day!

So Baxter and Katie took their laptops with them when they left me alone for two full days this weekend, so I had no chance to post an update. I mean, I could have sat at the desktop or gone out to a cyber-cafe, but I'm fundamentally a cat. An afternoon trip to Wal-Mart resulted in my getting a collection of brightly colored pastic wiffle balls with bells inside them, so I've been busy.

I've really become an Itallio-phile lately. I love the Southern Renaissance, bruschetta, and even Giorgio Agamben. I was even thinking how much I wish Antonio Negri hadn't decided to write Empire with Michael Hardt, since the concept of the muliplicity is entirely lacking in the philosophical rigour which features so prominently in The Savage Anomoly for instance. I think it started when people started referring to me as Hippo di Bippo, which I like both for its Milan-Naples-Venice flair and the fact that it rhymes. It attracts my attention, alot like shiny objects or things that dangle.

Here is what I don't understand: why don't I get any chocolate? Katie seems to dig it and she got a nice big box of truffles today that I think would be a perfect follow up to a dish of Kitten Chow. I promised not to get any of the chocolate on my fur, but as of yet as I have not succeeded. Its not even unique, notably, since I rubbed up against the fan last night and got a good chunk of my pretty white coat smudged and gray. I wonder how that will ever get clean...

Hope everyone's Valentine's Day is meowriffic, since this is my first I will have to come up with some new traditions. To begin with, I think I will try an early evening nap...



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