Saturday, February 19, 2005


So today in the process of cleaning up the apartment for what seems to be some sort of upcoming debate event, Katie and Baxter closed the hole in the bedspring in which i have been hiding. This is monumentally frustrating - where will I go to get away from them? Not that I want to hide all that often, but a kitty needs her alone time.

I am excited for the Project Runway Marathon tomorrow. Several of the episodes took place before I came to live with Baxter and Katie, so I'm a little confused. I know that I am a Jay fan, but I'd like to see where the storylines originated - it's so hard to be an organic intellectua-cat when media is so scattered and without purpose.

I'm finally starting to get dry from the bath I had this morning, which is no piece of cake with my beautiful, lush fur.

Sleepy time for Hippo Cat.


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