Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Oh, Give me the Meow Cat and Make Me Purr, I Want to Get Lost in Your Fluffy Fur

I know its been a while, but its been hectic in the Hippo-verse. To begin with Katie and Baxter left me for like three full days, which was not at all purrific. I had to sit around watching College Gameday all by my lonesome with a bag of Kitten Chow and a dish of cream. If I had freaking opposable thumbs and could rock either a whisk or the stand mixer I would have whipped it up and dipped strawberries in it. Maybe not strawberries. Prolly Kitten Chow. Maybe tuna.

Regardless, I have been told that the debate season is winding down and that while Katie will be out of town during Spring Break, Baxter and I will have plenty of time to discuss Heidegger, which normally Katie frowns upon. I have been trying to determine what exactly is the necessity of "Being-towards" versus "Being-alongside." I have been trying to read Being and Time with Baxter, but for some reason he moves me away whenever I attempt to sit on the book and read. Not to mention that he won't even let me read the first chapter of "Crash." Something about destroying my kittenish innocence.

Two closing notes today:

1) I recently succeeded in my first epic battle against the evil canopy. I worked on it pretty hard over the weekend and after a number of flying attacks, I brought down its Katie-side flank sometime Monday evening. I only had about 12 hours in which to celebrate my victory though, since when I awoke from a mid-afternoon nap it had returned to form. I have a new strategy which I will soon deploy...

2) Bo Bice is the my meow. Some of the h8rs (I just started with my txt lingo) thought that his version of "Driftaway" (which in tribute I have re-written, see the title) just got lucky, but he rocked the house last night. When Simon is willing to say that a rocker gave one of the best male performances in Idol history you know it means something. He, at least implicitly, seemed to be comparing it to Fantasia's version of "Summertime" which I did not see, but read about meowstensively. I dig him like he was a patch of fresh catnip.



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