Saturday, April 08, 2006

April Showers Bring Hippo Flowers

I am attempting to purr a Hippo-resolution that I update my blog more often. I don't have much of an excuse, except that Baxter and Katie have left me for long periods of time without an internet connection, and my paws begin to hurt when I have to purr-ance to the library in order to check my Hippo-email. And by the time that I pad all the way over there, give the lovely librarian my cat id, and then get my email checked and blogs read, I am simply too tired to update this blog. But I feel like my creative kitty energy is being sapped without the outlet that is this magical online forum, so I will strive to update more often.

Katie and I began cleaning the apartment yesterday. Her blog makes it sound like I am mildly Obsessive Cat-pulsive, when in fact I just prefer to have as much space to lay and purr as possible. How would you see how cute I am next to the sewing if there were piles of junk to impede my purr? (Please excuse my yellow eyes - this pretty kitty has not mastered Photoshop just yet.) I am pleased to re-purr-t, however, that my fur is looking luscious and cared for, and Katie and I have spent many a day just meowing around and noting my beautiful coat.

Did I mention that it is spring time in Lock-purr-t? It still seems cold out, at least from my vantage point at the window, but Horace and I have been enjoying the sunshine and tanning in the windows. (Horace and I, we used to have a slightly antagonistic relationship in that I preferred to have him as a snack than a sibling, but we have since worked out our differences and lay together, chatting about the weather and sitting with the carebears on the windowsill.)

I try not to watch television purr-grams that Baxter and Katie enjoy while they are out of town, since then I have to watch them again when they get home and my short kitten attention span is displeased with that arrangement. I will meow-mit, however, that I oc-cat-sionally watch a program when the TiVo is running out of space, since I know it will be deleted anyways and I just can't bear to miss my favorite purr-grams. Last night we watched Las Vegas, which I do enjoy, though not as much as American Idol (did I mention how purr-terbed I was that Mandisa was eliminated?!? Is there NO JUSTICE in this world? I mean, I know she's a little bit too religious and meow-viously, we disagree on the subject of GLBT rights, but wow could she sing).

This pretty kitty must be leaving now, since Katie's lap has appeared and I am in the mood for a good tummy rub. This tummy is always available for rubbing.

Purrs and Smooches,

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