Monday, November 27, 2006

The Many-faced Napitude of the Elusive Hippo-bear

It was a Hippolicious holiday weekend, and though I kept my feasting to chow and catnip, I am really not in significant need of tryptophan anyway. I suppose chipotle cheddar mashed potatoes would help me get a nice little kitten nap as well, or maybe they would just give me enough spice to fire a run up and down the stairs.

Irregardless, there was no shortage of kitten-like naps over this long weekend. There were as many different varieties of nappage as there were situations over the weekend. On Thursday for instance, Baxter and Katie divided their time fairly evenly between frantic kitchen antics and time on the couch. Hence I divided my time between keeping their spots warm for them:


and snuggling with Katie as she waited for rolls to rise, pie crusts to bake or cakes to cool nearby:


Those were not my only types of sleep of course, since I had to sneak in fairly quick naps (for a Hippo at least) while my friends went out to see a play:


and also got the opportunity to have day long napstravaganzas while the crazy people who keep me in chow went shopping on the day after the turkey-bird:


Anyway you slice it, Hippos love to nap and we do it very well. There is virtually no where that I cannot sleep and virtually no time I can’t enjoy it. More proof is necessary. I submit my final exhibit; even if the impromptu pile of laundry at the bottom of the stairs is only going to be there for an hour or so, I can squeeze in a couple of persian-riffic snoozes.


Alright, blogging, not surprisingly, makes me a tired Hippo. Off to look for something soft and cuddly…like me!

Purrs and Smooches,


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