Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Meowy Purr-sgiving!

As we approach this Thanksgiving season, my Hippo-ness is aware that there is a great feast ahead. All my human friends will sit down at the table with a giant bird, some delicious mashed potatoes, and various other delights. While I might choose to take a lick of the whipped cream when no one is watching, I for the most part prefer to stick with chow.

While I understand that Thanksgiving is a gluttonous holiday for you folks, when it comes to the Hippo-bear, every day is a chance to eat to my little Persian heart is content. I admit that I am not the cleanest kitten on the planet, and I occasionally have a tendency to well, be less than perfectly contained:

You might say (I’m a meower, but I’m not the only purr…) that I could be a cleaner kitten. But, I say to you, why don’t you try to eat the delightful Country Bread Stuffing with Smoked Ham and Goat Cheese that Baxter is making this Thursday with your adorably flat Persian face smashed into the bowl. I think you’ll end up much messier and far less glorious.

Anyway, I am extremely thankful to have laps to lay on, couches to curl up on, blankets to snooze on and great friends and admirers throughout the world. I will join you all on Thursday, as deep in my chow as you are in gravy. Happy Turkey Day everyone!

Purrs and Smooches,


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