Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Something In the Meow Tonight

So it's Debate Season Up in Meow: last weekend marked the official return of debate season at the House of Hippo-Bear. Though I've been spending a few weekends alone Chez Meow as Baxter and Katie gallivant about on vacations that they do not take me on (even though I would totally love to stay in the occasional hotel, or maybe a kitty day spa - I saw them on Animal Planet and am meow-rageously jealous), this was the first one that was for debate, which has a different feel altogeth-purr. I had a small gathering Saturday afternoon to watch a marathon of Project Runway, and then followed it up with a cask of cream and a rousing game of limbo.

I am meow-riffically excited at the transition to fall. I have spent many an afternoon peering out the back window, which I enjoy immensely. The crisp fall air reacts nicely to my fluffy fur and makes me look especially beautiful in the autumn sunshine. I love the way that I can see the animals and the leaves fly about, though I am worried that when the parking lot gets re-tarred next week, it will ruin the scent for a few days.

However, I should be able to keep myself busy doing laundry and helping Katie and Baxter around the house. I know that they have been quite busy, so I have been doing my best to be adorable, play with my mousies, and fold the clean clothes into a basket.

See you all next Monday!

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