Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Skies are Meow

This pretty kitty is very sorry to have missed the Monday cutoff for this week's Monday Hippo Blogging, but it was meow-riffically hard to maneuver the internet without Katie or Baxter in time to help, and to be honest, I was just a tinge depressed and lonely all by myself here in Hippo Land. Luckily, I had a friend, Ken, come to visit and watch baseball with me, so that was a bright spot for my labor day weekend. The kitty in the backyard was busy, so I wasn't able to have another purr-ty, so I contented myself with watching Big Brother and gearing up to play like the mighty kitty I am when Baxter and Katie arrived on the scene this afternoon.

Because it's been a week since I last updated, I didn't get to mention that it was Katie's birthday. I was instrumental in picking out a care bear for her, although it cannot compete with the Grumpy Bear I chose for her last year.

Luckily, I am an incredibly inquisitive purr-machine, so I have been able to keep myself busy investigating this lovely abode and learning the nooks and crannies of the carpet. I am hopeful that now that school is starting I will have many hours to chase mousies and fixate on my large array of kitten toys, because I am meow-riffic and chasing and finding such things.

Un-fur-tunately, it is now time for me to go behind the couch, as this Hippo-bear needs a nap.

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