Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Have a Hobby, I Maintain the World's Largest Collection of Sea Shells, Perhaps You've Seen It, I Keep it Scattered On Beaches All Over the World

Meowy meow. With Halloween in the past and the insanity of the constant buzz surrounding the question of how adorable I would be in my lobster costume behind me, I am a fairly laid back kitten until Thanksgiving time. Baxter and Katie were around all weekend, petting me, brushing me, and generally enjoying what I like to call the Hipposity of the world. There were admittedly large stretches where they had taken off to places that seemed to be either work at the debate office, a trip to the Orchestra and a Packers’ game.

So I have developed a new primary hobby, as the quote from one of my favorite comedians above indicates. (Steven Wright, by the way. One liners fit my attention span.) It is not done to the exclusion of my other hobbies, like eating chow, batting at string or playing on the stairs. My brand new hobby:


That is correct. Sitting on the back of the couch. You might be tempted to say, “Hey Hippo. How’s it goin. Lovely day isn’t it. Oh, you haven’t been to the window today to see the weather outside? You should, its lovely. Anyway, I don’t think that sitting on the back of the couch itself necessarily constitutes a hobby.” I would say this to you, however: 1) Your argument contradicts itself. I have been so busy in my hobby that I have not even made it over to the beautiful window today to look outside. 2) You obviously know little about sitting on the back of the couch. Here’s a brief rundown.

You can sit in multiple directions, to analyze the geometry of the living room, to look alternately at the stairs, the TV, the kitchen, or either the front or back door. Here is me checking out the patio.


You can wrap your tail around your face, either to curl up all like an adorable red panda or to do a Darkwing Duck impression. Darkwing Duck is a great show by the way, I have been downloading reruns. Anyway, here I am, wrapped up like a Hippo in a blanket, aka, The Hippo Burrito.


But for the most part I am still just attempting to master the most basic component of sitting on the back of the couch. Some would say it was the preliminaries, but in reality, it is like the serve is to tennis, like putting is to golf. It takes more practice than you think, but I am putting in my hours. Cuz ladies and gents, the meat and potatoes of sitting on the back of the couch, is napping. And I will leave you with one last shot as I get back to my hobby of the week.


Purrs and Smooches,


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