Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Something In the Meow Tonight

So it's Debate Season Up in Meow: last weekend marked the official return of debate season at the House of Hippo-Bear. Though I've been spending a few weekends alone Chez Meow as Baxter and Katie gallivant about on vacations that they do not take me on (even though I would totally love to stay in the occasional hotel, or maybe a kitty day spa - I saw them on Animal Planet and am meow-rageously jealous), this was the first one that was for debate, which has a different feel altogeth-purr. I had a small gathering Saturday afternoon to watch a marathon of Project Runway, and then followed it up with a cask of cream and a rousing game of limbo.

I am meow-riffically excited at the transition to fall. I have spent many an afternoon peering out the back window, which I enjoy immensely. The crisp fall air reacts nicely to my fluffy fur and makes me look especially beautiful in the autumn sunshine. I love the way that I can see the animals and the leaves fly about, though I am worried that when the parking lot gets re-tarred next week, it will ruin the scent for a few days.

However, I should be able to keep myself busy doing laundry and helping Katie and Baxter around the house. I know that they have been quite busy, so I have been doing my best to be adorable, play with my mousies, and fold the clean clothes into a basket.

See you all next Monday!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We Want the Meow, Give Up the Meow, Ow We Need the Meow, Gotta Have that Meow!

Meow meow meow. Despite the incredible fall weather that we’ve had for, well, most of the summer, the Hippo cat got to enjoy some serious warmth today as the temp in Rochester made it into the 80s. That was slightly compromised by the fact that someone decided that instead of cat-napping my way through the afternoon, curled up in an adorable pile of cords behind the TV


I should have to dart back and forth constantly curious about the loud noises being inflicted on me. Katie and Baxter have been telling me that they are in fact loud noises towards a productive goal of “less potholes in the parking lot,” but that seems far less likely then that it was directed at the annoyance of me. Here is my theory: somewhere in this complex there is another persian kitty. By virtue of she or he being a persian kitty, she or he is no doubt incredibly adorable, but paw-bviously, not as adorable as me. Evidence, this is how freaking cute I am sleeping in the feaking car:


So my only guess is that, in an attempt to make her/himself the cutest persian kitty on the block, this other kitten tried to disturb my beauty sleep. There were two flaws in this strategy.

1) I am arguably even more adorable when waking up grumpy then at any other time. By increasing the ratio of waking-up moments to hours slept, my rival bit it like a big chunk of tuna fish. (let me use this parenthetical (new Hippo vocab word) to make a brief analogy Tunafish: Hippo:: Spinach: Popeye (also “bit it like a big chunk of tunafish: Hippo :: drop it like its hawt: Snoop Dogg)). Proof, you demand. Meow! I retort!


2) I am a very persuasive kitty-bear. I just popped to the door and suggested that everyone go out for a tasty glass of cream until I was ready to run, climb, play, etc. A little purr goes a long way.


Now, however, there is a catnip mousey somewhere calling my name. Seriously, can it get better than that combination. Catnip=awesome, mousey=awesome. Catnip mousey=awesome^2. That’s some old school math skillz, Hippo style. Keep it meowy!

Purrs and Smooches,


Monday, September 11, 2006

Are We Meowing for some Purr-ball?

So the school year is officially in full swing for this pretty kitty. So far, it appears to mean that there is more time where I am home alone with only Katie OR Baxter and not both of them at the same time. Not that I mind, though, because it means more attention for me! And they both appear to be purr-cellent at making sure my back door is open so that I can stare at my chipmunk-friends. The chipmunks appear to be coming more regularly now that the fall is coming, and there are many moths for me to bat my purr-fect claws at.

Did I mention that I had to take a bath the other day? I bet that I did not, because I was so meow-ingly mad about the subject that I had to wait until now to mention it, now that my fur is lush and long and no longer destroyed by the ridiculousness that is bath time.

In case you were not clear on just how angry this idea of a bath made this purr-tacular kitten, I give you exhibit B.
Luckily, the purpose of such purr-diculous activities is that my always lush and beautiful fur because almost luminescent when it is clean. I will grudgingly admit that I have never looked as beautiful as the next day after the terrible bath.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Skies are Meow

This pretty kitty is very sorry to have missed the Monday cutoff for this week's Monday Hippo Blogging, but it was meow-riffically hard to maneuver the internet without Katie or Baxter in time to help, and to be honest, I was just a tinge depressed and lonely all by myself here in Hippo Land. Luckily, I had a friend, Ken, come to visit and watch baseball with me, so that was a bright spot for my labor day weekend. The kitty in the backyard was busy, so I wasn't able to have another purr-ty, so I contented myself with watching Big Brother and gearing up to play like the mighty kitty I am when Baxter and Katie arrived on the scene this afternoon.

Because it's been a week since I last updated, I didn't get to mention that it was Katie's birthday. I was instrumental in picking out a care bear for her, although it cannot compete with the Grumpy Bear I chose for her last year.

Luckily, I am an incredibly inquisitive purr-machine, so I have been able to keep myself busy investigating this lovely abode and learning the nooks and crannies of the carpet. I am hopeful that now that school is starting I will have many hours to chase mousies and fixate on my large array of kitten toys, because I am meow-riffic and chasing and finding such things.

Un-fur-tunately, it is now time for me to go behind the couch, as this Hippo-bear needs a nap.